Karaoke Night
We will have dinner and a fun activity with an optional Bible discussion. During the Bible discussion to follow. We will read a passage from the Bible and discuss its meaning for our lives. The Bible discussion will only last 20-30 minutes.
You do not have to be a Christian or even believe the Bible to be apart of this discussion.

Culture Night
We will have dinner and a fun activity with an optional Bible discussion. During the Bible discussion to follow. We will read a passage from the Bible and discuss its meaning for our lives. The Bible discussion will only last 20-30 minutes.
You do not have to be a Christian or even believe the Bible to be apart of this discussion.

Friendship Friday Dinner
We will have dinner and a fun activity with an optional Bible discussion. During the Bible discussion to follow. We will read a passage from the Bible and discuss its meaning for our lives. The Bible discussion will only last 20-30 minutes.
You do not have to be a Christian or even believe the Bible to be apart of this discussion.

Talent Night
We will have dinner and a fun activity with an optional Bible discussion. During the Bible discussion to follow. We will read a passage from the Bible and discuss its meaning for our lives. The Bible discussion will only last 20-30 minutes.
You do not have to be a Christian or even believe the Bible to be apart of this discussion.
Friendship Friday Dinner
This will be our fourth dinner of the semester. Bring a friend, colleague or roommate and have fun playing games, meeting new people. We have some fun activities planned for this evening so make sure to join us for another meal and friendship!

Friendship Friday Dinner
This will be our fourth dinner of the semester. Bring a friend, colleague or roommate and have fun playing games, meeting new people. We have some fun activities planned for this evening so make sure to join us for another meal and friendship!

Friendship Friday Dinner
We will have dinner and a fun activity with an optional Bible discussion. During the Bible discussion to follow. We will read a passage from the Bible and discuss its meaning for our lives. The Bible discussion will only last 20-30 minutes.
You do not have to be a Christian or even believe the Bible to be apart of this discussion.

Welcome Dinner - Fall Edition
This will be our first dinner of the semester. Bring a friend, colleague or roommate and have fun playing games, meeting new people. We have some fun activities planned for this evening so make sure to join us for another meal and friendship!